May 16, 2024

Privacy Policy

Reviewbus is a community portal focused on software ‘movies’ and animation peripheral reviews. We always adhere to the concept of freedom, openness and sharing. Provide technical original writing, test translation, test recruitment. At the same time, record the testing process of ordinary testing personnel, release the latest testing information, and hold offline salon activities.
Ingredients in this website are only used as ordinary ingredients.
Is provided by, let us link is quite new, more accurate news, we don’t have any report or guarantee mode, display or say, completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability of the website or information, products, services, or for any purpose, including website graphics. Therefore, any reliance you may have on this information will be severely affected. In no event shall we be liable for any loss or hindrance, including, but not limited to, indirect or response loss or hindrance, or loss or hindrance of materials or profits resulting from the use of the Site.
Through this website, you can probably link to other website to master. We have no way of knowing the nature, content or availability of these sites. The inclusion of any links is not meant to suggest or endorse the concepts expressed herein.
Links to our nursing home’s daily operations. However, because we can’t grasp the technical problems lead to the website can’t be visited temporarily, does not assume any obligation, do not assume any obligation.
Privacy policy
Thank you for visiting our website. This inside-out policy reports to you on how we apply some of the information to the site. Please read this implied Policy before using the site or submitting any unilateral material. By applying this site, you are taking over the reality of this hidden policy. These practices may change, but any changes will be published, and these changes only apply to future behavior and messages, not retroactively.
We urge you to check the privacy policy when visiting the site to ensure that you ask how any unilateral information you provide will be applied.
Note: The privacy errors contained in this Privacy Policy apply only to this website. If you link to other sites, check for hidden policies on those sites.
Network news
When visitors voluntarily submit, the identity information on our network is one-sided, such as name, postal address, email address, etc. The information you provide will be used to meet your specific requirements.
This message will only be used to satisfy your specific request unless you allow us to apply this message in other ways, such as adding you to our mailing list.
Cookie/tracking technology
Websites may apply cookies and tracking techniques based on the efficacy provided. Cookies and tracking technologies are useful for web information, such as wading samples and operating systems, to track the number of visitors to a site and ask visitors how they use the site. Cookies can also sponsor custom websites. Unable to experience part of the network information of tracking technology such as cookies; However, if you have previously provided partial identity messages, you may bind cookies to those messages. Aggregate cookie and trace messages can be shared with third parties.
Scattered information
We may share information with government agencies or other companies to help us guard against extortion or observation. We can do this in the following situations :(1) order permission or request; (2) attempting to prevent or guard against real or potential extortion or illegal business operations; (3) Observation after the occurrence of blackmail. This information will not be provided to the companies as a marketing target.
Commitment to data security
Some of your identity information is secure. Only authorized employees, distributors and contractors (and those who agree to withhold information) have access to the information. All emails and time newsletters on this site allow you to opt out of mailing.
Confidential contact information
If you have any questions, concerns or comments about our policies, you can contact us in the following ways:
By email
We reserve the right to make changes to this policy.
Any changes to this policy will be announced.